Monday, December 01, 2008

Coming to the End

Well today is the last Monday of classes I will have this semester!!!! YEAH. The best part is I skiped my first two classes my 6:30 am and my 8:00am to sleep in because I have not been feeling too good lately. Guess I caught that cold/flu that has been going around. That's just what I needed :)

Anyways not much is new. Actually nothing is new. I was amazed at all the crazy people that went shopping at midnight on Friday and I was even crazier to work such a dumb shift 1145pm -4:30 and then noon to 5pm. Thats probably how I got sick, right there. There were people all over and I couldn't believe how many people brought their little kids with them. Don't they know their kids just want to sleep and not shop. I guess hiring a babysitter would be defeating the purpose of saving money. Anyways I am glad that day is over as some people get way too crazy. I mean a Wal-Mart sales associate was trampled to death out east. Good thing I don't work at wal-mart. :) I was thinking they should just have all their great sales online and then I can just shop online and not deal with people beating me up for a good sale.

Well today is Dec 1st which means only 25 more days til christmas. For those of you looking to buy me a present this is what i want............. haha JK. Just come visit and that will be the best present ever!!! Well i suppose I should stop blogging and get back to work. Now where is the fun in that :)

1 comment:

Paige's Parents said...

Wow - you're doing so good! Another posting, I'm so proud of you. Really, it's nice to be updated...and I'm too lazy to make phone calls so you have to do all the work and do a blog posting like the rest of us.
Shopping online is the way to also helps me stay focused on what I might be looking for (a gift for someone else) rather than wandering into the clothing area that happens to be just my style and size. How does that happen?