Sunday, November 23, 2008

Some Pictures from the last couple of months :)

Jane and I after running the Living History Farms Race this weekend 11-22
Ryan and I at the zoo

Jane and I before our half marathon in Oct. 2008

Travis and Duke!!! :)

Almost Thanksgiving

I really should be writing a ten page paper but I thought I would actually try to post instead :) This sounded much more fun. I just got back from Iowa where I did a 7 mile cross country race with my cousin Jane. We had to go through 8 creeks I think but I only got from my ankles down soaking wet but that was cold enough. It was pretty cold and when we were done it started snowing so we were glad we got to go sit in the car then. Some people, who really care about their time, go flying through the water and end up completely soaked. If you know me you know I hate being cold so I avoid ice water to all extremes. We then just hung out the rest of the weekend and I came back to Mankato fairly early today to get some homework done and I have done fairly well, could have done better BUT :) This week is short because its thanksgiving. My family will be going out to Montana so it will just be Michael and I. I have to work crazy hours at Nike for those crazy shoppers. I start friday night at 11:45 pm and work til five in the morning and then back in at noon on Friday til five in evening. Lucky I get to get all my discounts on Wednesday so I'll get all the stuff I want before its picked over and for cheap because I get my discount on top of all the black friday discounts!!!

Well I hope you all have a great thanksgiving. I have been remembering some of the past thanksgiving and one thanksgiving I will never forget is my grandma parsons' last thanksgiving. We were all at our place. I remember I had made her a poem that I gave her and she had told us all that she was going to fight her cancer. I'm thankful for those memories I have that are as clear as can be. I wish every thanksgiving that she could just come back for that day so I could just talk to her. I'm so glad I had such great grandparents on both sides of my family and I miss them all so much. And I'm thankful I have great parents who mean the world to me and my siblings. I'm just glad that I have such a close family. It shocks me every day to hear of people who hate their parents and siblings. Its very sad. To sum it up I am thankful for my entire family, both the Braatens and the Parsons and even though every one is leaving me for thanksgiving... I know i hope you are all feeling bad :) jk..... I want you all to know I love you all very much and am thankful to have you in my life!!!! Now don't eat too much on Thanksgiving. For my internship I have a board I have to keep updated with facts and did you know the average person eats 3,000 calories for thanksgiving dinner and with all the leftovers the average person consumes between 5,000-6,000 calories for the day. So think of all the work it would take to burn that off. BUT you know what, its one day out of the year so this is what I say. Enjoy the food but just watch the portion size :) Ok well I think I'm going to call it a night. Up at 5:45 for class tomorrow. Only a couple more weeks and the semester is over!!

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Ok Ok I"m a Blog Slacker

Well some people think i'm slacking so I guess I will tell you what I have been up to lately. Nothing. Ok the end:) Just kidding. Well i started my last year of school this year at Mankato and I got my approval for graduation so I will be out of here in May. Crazy how fast college goes. I am looking to go to grad school to get my masters in clinical exercise physiology with an emphaisis in cardiac rehab. There is a really good program in La Crosse WI but they only accept 15 students so I am crossing my fingers. So basically my weeks are consumed with class, my internship through the campus rec department where I do fitness assessments and write up exercise prescriptions. I am also working on getting a program called Maverick Boot Camp set up, which is basically like Biggest Loser. I'm hoping it goes over. I also work on compus as a personal trainer and at the Mankato YMCA as a wellness coach and personal trainer. So between all of that I keep busy. This semster has been a little crazy as I have like 21 credits but next semester will be a breeze. I go from seven classes to three!

What else.... I ran the Des Moines half marathon with my cousin Jane the end of October which was ton of fun. I am planning on running the half marathon in Madison in May so if anyone wants to join. I don't think i could do a whole marathon like Brenda! She did awesome!!! I actually have another race in Des Moines in two weeks. Its called the Living History Farms race which is a seven mile cross country race through lots of mud. Last year when I did it i was extremely muddy and wet because someone had shoved me into a stream BUT its fun.

Well thats about it. I will try to be better at posting. Its just you guys are all crazy with blogging and i'm just normal :)