Friday, December 01, 2006

School Finished!!

Well guess what everyone. I just finished school and now I have a month a half of vacation. Oh I am so excited. This semester was definately hard. I think I know more grammer rules in spanish than I do in English. Actually I don´t think that I know that! I can´t believe how fast fifteen weeks of classes went but let me tell you, I will not miss getting up every morning to come and sit in school where I actually have to concentrate on every word that is said and not just kind of listen. Sometimes I feel like I haven´t learned anything but when I think of what I knew when I got here I realize that I have learned A LOT. It is just gradual so I really didn´t realize it! I basically am a mexican now! Haha. I will also say that I am very excited the weather has gotten back to normal and is in the 80´s once again. Oh I am not going to enjoy walking off the plane in Chicago on Jan. 3rd. I am not even going to think about it. Nope..... all I am thinking about is when my parents will walk off the plane in GDL in like three weeks. I am so excited to see them. Well my plans for the next month are a little scattered. Emely is staying til teh 9th so we are staying in a hotel and then will do some traveling around GDL and some towns within a four hour radius. When she leaves I will be traveling with some friends for about two weeks and then my parents come and they will get a crash course of GDL and then a relaxing stay in Puerta Vallarta!!!! My cousin Jane might be coming down sometime within that time so hopefully I will see her. Basically to lay it all out I will be sleeping in, eating off the street (YUM), exploring, and having a blast. Well gotta get moving. Hope you all have a great December and I don´t know if I will be updating this very often but I will see you all shortly!

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